Everyone is different
November 12, 2009
People are very different!  A survey taken on kids' favorite type of music, really proved it.  There were 40 students who liked rock, 65 who liked pop, 43 who liked rap, 43 who liked hip hop, 41 who liked country, and 39 who liked something other.  Did you notice how each kid picked something different of their choice?  That is because we all are different.  So why should kids be picked on?

People are judged poorly just because they do something that others don't do!  You don't always have to "go with the flow," because everyone's different and this can prove it.  Let's say that you you don't have the same kind of iPod that everybody else has, and you get picked on.  Or, it could be these new shoes, everybody has.  No matter what it is, it needs to stop!
Although the taken survey may be silly, it has a lot of meaning to it.  Like how I explained, kids are judged terribly for no reason, when it shouldn't matter because every human being is different in their own way.

All the mean behavior towards others can lead to hatred for no good reason.  It can also lead to wars.  It can lead to so many other things, that don't even need to happen.  This can come to a stop though... If you see someone being picked on by someone else, you can do many things to stop this.  Then other kids will look up to these actions as examples and they will help put it all to a stop.

"I think bullying is a bad behavior.  It just lowers the person's self-esteem," Kristin H, 7th, says.  "I think if anyone is being picked on, you should stand up for that person, or tell an adult.  And if you are the bully, stop!"

Peter S also agrees, "You could help the person in two ways.  One, you can stand up to the bully and be encouraging and supporting toward the person, or two, you can alert a teacher to the problem and let them take care of it."

These students are both very right, help the kid, or go get help for the kid... it is as simple as that!  

Sometimes if you think about it real hard, the bully was being judged, which made him or her the bully.  Usually the bully is picked on or judged by something they did, or can just be depressed, and they get mad so they take it out on their so called "friends."  This needs to stop because everyone is different.  

Just look at the survey again, and you will just see that everyone has their own opinions, own hearts, and own minds.  Including you, whether you are the bully or not!