Should cell phones be allowed during lunch?
March 24, 2010
Should cell phones be allowed at lunch? If you think that we should have phones out at lunch, you should keep reading this so you can get an idea of how to promote cell phones at lunch.

Some people say yes that we should be allowed to have phones out at lunch and some people say no. “I think that phones should be out during lunch, because then you can call your parents if you need to. Also you can text your friends if you need to go somewhere after school or wanted to ask them something,” says Claire S., a 7th grader.  
I would agree with Claire, because I know a lot of people in my lunch need to call their parents because they forgot gym clothes or they're hanging out downtown after school, or their parents call them and need to tell them something very important and they can’t get ahold of the school, so they just call their kids.

I think most of us would agree with that, but on the other hand I don’t think that the teachers would agree with that. “I think that cell phones shouldn’t be allowed on at lunch because cell phones aren’t even allowed during the school day,” says Mrs. Driscoll, a 7th grade science substitute.

Also I think that cell phones should be allowed durning lunch because it would be a lot quieter. Everyone would either be calling their parents or texting their friends to make plans to go somewhere after school. Then after they text their friends to make plans to go downtown, then they can call their parents to tell them so they don’t freak out.  

Another reason is if cell phones are allowed at lunch time it would give us something to do instead of rocking back in our chairs bored because we have nothing to talk about. At our table it is really boring because sometimes we have nothing to talk about. So we either want to play on our ipods or text our friends or call our parents.  

So, if you think cell phones should be allowed durning lunch talk to your teachers and friends about this.