New Laptops
January 1, 2010
Does everybody at Mill Creek like the new laptops?   A lot of people like them. Some people don’t.   I really like them.  I think that it is so cool that you get to use new laptops when you are at school.  Like I said some people don’t like them. “I like the laptops but in orchestra we don’t have money for a lot of stuff but we do for laptops, which isn’t fair," said Julien H, 7th grade.

I like the new laptops because you can carry them around and that is really cool but you can drop them! “I like them because they are very portable and small,” said Julien H, 7th grade.  I really like that feature about them because if you have a  computer problem you can bring your laptop with you and Mrs. Risdon can fix it on your laptop. “I think the laptops are great because they are portable and extend the area of learning,” said Mrs. Risdon, tech support.

Also they only take up a limited amount of space, so while you are working you can have other stuff on your desk at the same time.  That is  really handy because I asked some of the 8th graders and they said with the old desktop computers you could barely fit anything else on your desks, so everything else had to go on the floor.

Another good thing about the laptops is that the teachers can just bring in laptop carts and have the class use them right there in that room without going to a lab and having to bring everything and take the time to go down there and get everyone logged in. You can just get one from the cart and go back to your seat and get started right there.  If I were a teacher I would really like that because that would be really a really nice feature. “I think the laptops are good to have because they are portable and that helps a lot,” said Mrs. Risdon, tech support.

I think that the new laptops are really great and we should get them for the other schools too.  Also we should have two carts for each teacher but for now just these are good.  I am really glad that we have them and love to use them.