Need some help in school?
November 10, 2009
You're getting c's, d's , and maybe even lower grades.  You're so confused on what happened with your homework, and your science project is ruined.  You need some help getting organized for school.  It's okay if that is happening as long as you are willing to try to fix it!  Here are 10 ways to get back on task in school:

1.) Stay organized-  Have a binder for each subject.  Tabs in the binder will help lost papers like homework or school work come to a stop. Folders will also help too with your notes.  And don't forget to clean out your papers that you are done with, NOT THE ONES THAT YOU AREN'T DONE WITH!!  That is always a huge problem.  If you keep it this way, it might be hard, but a good effort will do the job.

2.) Find a study buddy- Studying is also a big thing you can do to get on track in school. and it is always very fun to study with a buddy!! :) (Just make sure you are on task, and you can pick a buddy that you won't chat with the whole time.)  Don't know how to study?  Try making some flash cards or fun games to play to help you get that A on the quiz.

3.) Maintain your health- Getting a good night of sleep and eating healthy is a great way to feed energy for your brain.  So make sure you do this all the time!  You can eat more fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water, and get at least eight hours of sleep every night.

4.) Get to school on time- If you arrive to school on time, you will be able to turn in your homework and have time to settle in your books and binders. You can get organized quick and be ready for the long day ahead of you.

5.) Have reminders- It isn't always easy to remember things like your homework and school supplies, but keeping reminders like having a planner or placing sticky notes on your books, will help you remember. It may be silly, but it really does help!

6.) Ask for extra credit-  If you need some help getting your grades up fast, then ask your teacher for some extra credit.  Or stay after school and work something out together.  Just make sure you are planning this ahead of time with your teacher.
7.) Finish all your homework- Every time you do your homework, but turn it in late, points are taken from your grade.  So make sure you are turning it in on time so that you can receive a good score on your work.

8.) Ask questions-  If you don't know the answer to a question in your school work, then don't just sit there thinking nothing. Ask a question.  And if you are really shy, then don't feel stupid and not ask about it because it is more stupid to not know the answer, and don't ask the question.  This does not mean asking people for all their answers, it just means asking people for help.  And there is no reason to be shy. This will help your grade, because you are learning the answer to a problem.

9.) Check the time-  Running from class to class every day can be quite a challenge and a workout.  But if you check the time from a clock around you, you should be able to limit your time, and allow yourself at least one minute to get to class.  This way you will not be tardy.  Wearing a watch is also a good way to keep track of time.  But of course, if you waste your time talking to all of your friends in the hall first, this plan will not work.  

10.)  Do your best-  It is always a good thing to do your best and keep a positive attitude toward your learning goals!  Never say never and try your hardest all the time, and the outcome f it all will turn out great!!!

Those ten tips are very helpful for tons of kids. Even if you don't need help in school, you can still keep task using these.  So if you follow these tips, you will do well in school.  Though these are only a few the many ways to do well in school. Here is how other kids keep on task in school:

"I keep my stuff organized and I do my homework," Hannah F, 7th, says.  "I also keep track of my homework by keeping a planner."

"I listen to my teacher, finish my assignments on time and do my best!" says Jake P, 7th.

It won't be so hard if you always have a positive attitude, do your best and stay organized.  If you follow those rules, you will definitely do better in school!  But only if you try!